Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Out of Order

One morning I told Nathan to get dressed.  He obediently walked in his room and started to pull down his pajama pants , but then he noticed that the Peter Rabbit books were out of order.  I think there might be at least 15 of them....and he stood there half naked (pants around his ankles) putting the books in order again.  He also gave them little voices and had conversations with them.  He then walked (rather trudged) out of his room completely forgetting that he was getting dressed (or that his pj pants were still around his ankles).  Nathan has got a lot better at listening and obeying - he no longer fights me when getting ready for school,  he mostly gets off the computer without fussing and he even decided a day this month where we would cut his hair (never a pleasurable experience).

Sarah is an amazing little girl.  More and more I can see her having fun at school all day.  She will be going this fall.  Sometimes I make Sarah a little book, she draws the pictures and I write down the story for her.  The stories have usually been focused  on what she calls "the hiker family" (a family that lives next to a mountain and does a lot of hiking) but recently she wanted to write a story about Fluttershy and Rarity going to jail (my little pony characters).  Sarah loves drama and inspiring stories.  What would normally disinterest Nathan and scare Abby, Sarah likes.  Recently she watched the Disney movie "Spirit".  Most movies made about horses are sad/traumatizing and this one was no exception , but she has asked several times now to watch it again. She does complain of bad dreams every so often so sometimes I wonder if she absorbs too much drama.  Sarah is not lazy but she is a bit of a princess.  If we go for a walk , she gets tired first.  I think about going to Pt. Pelee canoeing when they get bigger and I know Sarah will be the one in the middle of the canoe relaxing :).  She loves wearing pretty dresses and getting me to braid her hair. Sarah and Abby seem to enjoy doing things themselves more and more. Nathan on the other hand .... I asked him why he wouldn't wash himself in the tub one night.  Could he not do it?  Or was he just being lazy?  He paused for a few seconds and looked at me and said "I'm just lazy".

Abby is being a three year old currently.  I have to remember that sometimes.  I feel like calling her "opposite Abby".  It seems like everything I try to get her to do she does the opposite or runs away or ignores me.  As frustrating as that is , Abby's joyful attitude /noise usually makes me smile.  Abby still sings ... a lot.  She made up a song titled "I'm not Scared".  It goes like this "I'm not scarrrrred!" It has a refrain and sometimes includes things she is apparently not afraid of like monsters.  Maybe someday she will include flies in the song.  Abby has decided that she is afraid of flies this summer- she really doesn't like them landing on her head and wears a Dora hat when she notices them flying around.  Abby also sings her interpretation of "Let it Go".  She sings "Let it Gooo, let it go! (inaudible jumble of words) inside!".  We get the let it go song in our heads sometimes , but getting Abby's version stuck in your head is a little worse :).  She likes going outside with Sarah on "adventures".  They look at bugs, pick flowers in the garden, and slosh around in what ever puddles happen to be leftover from the last rainfall.  They like going outside in the rain as well.  

Hannah has accelerated her craziness if that is possible ,,, but it must be , because she IS more crazy.  She no longer walks anywhere, she always runs or skips or dances.  She has figured out how to take off her clothing and does so everyday.  She will be turning 2 in a few weeks and I was at a loss as to what to put on her wish list.  Hannah mostly tries to either destroy things or take things away from people hoping they will chase her to get them back.  She throws things, runs into walls (or everything else), has fallen off of everything (except the top bunk of the bunk beds- but she is working on that), she tries to escape from the house and run down the street (we have to lock her in), she bites and eats everything she gets her hands on (including us) and attacks her siblings (sometimes viciously). She is starting to count before she can talk and loves to have books read to her (often reading them to herself as well).  She does all of that with a big smile, lots of laughter and an amazing amount of energy.  Life would surely be more dull without Hannah around :)

Every time I get around to writing one of these things I remember how much God has blessed me.  :)

Abby's "fly hat" 

two animals wanting in  


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