I remember all the nicknames we used to call our babies. Nathan was "Thunder-butt" - he had some gas issues. Sarah was "Jabba the Fuss". I think she cried the most out of all of them. Abby was "Abbzilla or Abbalicious" kind of like Jekyll and Hyde. Hannah did not have one until recently. Mark had been playing a game that was similar to "Final Fantasy" and when he named his characters he named them after the kids. Hannah turned out to be a "barbarian" on the game and it matched her so perfectly it has become her nickname.
Hannah has upgraded herself with learning how to walk. Sometimes I have to run to chase her, and I need to chase her because she always grabs something she knows she is not allowed to have and runs away. Just this afternoon she was in the pantry and snatched a bag of crackers (that happened to be open) , as she ran away she waved her arms and so created an instant mess of cracker crumbs all over the floor. She has also started squawking in such a way (when she doesn't get her way) that I can only describe it as something between an eagle cry and a duck being stepped on. All this sounds like it could be annoying , but actually it is pretty funny (depending on how tired you happen to be).
Abby told me a story the other day while I was getting her out of the tub. She informed me that she had found a "Dora jewel ring" in the tub , but an alligator stole it from her and escaped through the register in the ceiling (she was in the big tub downstairs). On another night I was playing with her in the tub. I was a mommy duck and she was the baby. She told me the mommy duck could not fly because it had "yogurt" in it's wings. Abby also likes being outside , the most I think, out of all of them. After we had a snow storm I spent time with her outside throwing her in snow banks which she thought was hilarious.
Sarah is like a blossoming little flower. She has taught herself how to "spin - jump" and thinks that she should now be a figure skater (often wondering why we haven't bought her skates yet). She brings up school and wonders why we haven't gotten her a lunch bag and back pack yet (as if that were the only thing keeping her home). We have been talking about weddings because she has two uncles that will be getting married this summer. She has decided that she will marry Nathan when she gets older. The most frequent question I hear from her is "Mommy, mommy? What can I do while I am waiting?" - most of the time I don't even think she knows what she means when she asks me.
Nathan continues to be his bouncy crazy self. Lately he has been fighting kindergarten germs and has had to stay home several days. One morning I was convinced that we had missed the bus. Nathan was upset , I was flustered , so when I called him in I felt really dumb when they laughingly told me it was a PD day :(. This morning I gave him a sticker on his chart because he was so agreeable with getting ready for the bus - he even thanked me for helping him! Then later on in the morning Mark had to pick him up because he had thrown up in class. I hope he will sleep well tonight.
After supper the kids often play a made up game that they call "Hannah boy". They run around yelling/laughing/screaming "Hannah boy!" while Hannah chases after them/runs away yelling "GO". Mark and I try to have a conversation while finishing up our meal (impossible while they are eating), but we usually have to wait until they end up down stairs.
When I put them to bed I read them books and then we talk to Jesus. You would think that after 30 something years of going to church almost every Sunday I would know how to pray , but I don't really. I still find it mysterious and confusing. We start off by thinking of one thing we can be thankful for (each) . Then I ask them how I can pray for them - usually I get some interesting requests. Sometimes Nathan wants Jesus to help him to be good so he gets more stickers and then a lolly pop and a new toy (rewards on the chart). Abby often asks for protection from the bugs that seem to be on her bed at random times .... it used to be a fish. I have discovered that when talking about "bugs" she sometimes refers to the lady bug toy that is on her bed...sometimes she decides to be scared of it. Sarah is thankful for her books or her bed and usually wants to feel better or be nicer to her brother (usually she asks that they not fight with her). Then comes the time where we just try to talk to Jesus ...and no one really knows what to say. I have to try and be an example for them while it is still new for me. We also try to listen for a response. Tonight Nathan could not keep quiet to save his life so it made listening interesting. Sarah commented that she didn't hear anything. I didn't either but I told her sometimes we are not very good at listening and the more we try the better we will get. I love those times with them. Sometimes I think I am learning as much as they are :)
Sarah pretending to be a ballerina |
Hannah even says something like "Cheezze" when she sees the camera |
Putting lip gloss on each other |
Nathan took this in the old house with his camera |
He took a "selfie" as well - I don't have that many pictures of him currently because he is in school most of the day |