My mornings seem stressful recently. Nathan has continued to not do well at school and now the school absolutely refuses to do anything longer then two hours until we get him tested. I struggle between wanting what is best for him and thinking they are all crazy. I made it my mission a few weeks ago to try and get him recess at least but the principal would not budge. Currently Mark rides his bike to work and I pick up Nathan at 11:00 in the morning. I'm not sure how long we can keep this up in the next few months (depends on how much snow we get?). Needless to say we are both frustrated with the way things are turning out. Nathan's school experience is not what we expected. Things get stressful in the morning as I have to dress and get all 4 kids outside to wait for the bus, then get the remaining 3 undressed (coats/shoes) ....they are not usually compliant....with anything. Then, when I leave to pick up Nathan the girls are tired and hungry and are usually very non compliant.
I feel like we have a family full of monkeys. They are always noisy, messy and ....crazy. When Mark and I attempt to have a conversation at supper time it seems like Sarah chooses that time to impersonate a fire engine (she is pretty good), Abby starts to sing at the top of her lungs, Nathan starts asking a million questions and Hannah starts yelling to get my attention back. Most of the time Mark and I end up finishing our conversation after they leave the table. Supper happens in stages. First the kids are loudly complaining that they are hungry , then we quickly make them something, they are silent eating for a few minutes , they decide that they don't like what we put together for them, they ask for different food/drink/refills/more food ....then they want to get down.....and we are left with a mess and mostly quiet (unless they start fighting).
Hannah, my little monster, is getting into EVERYTHING. She has figured out how to open my laptop (loves to bang as hard as she can at the keys) , she steals my mouse and chews on it, she can open any door (including the front door), she attempts to eat my k-cups, and she has just figured out how to open the toilet lid :( ....that is not even half of the mischief she gets into ....those happen most often so I remember them more. She still hops around on her bum or crawls. I think she could start walking if she wanted to.,,but I'm kind of afraid of what she will do once she does decide to walk.
The other day Nathan saw that we had made brownies and asked for some this way "Can I have some chocolate rectangular prism?" He had forgotten the word "brownie" but remembered the shape :). He knows almost all the shapes including the 3D ones (some of which are hard for me to recall) and is very good at patterns. Nathan excels at anything he wants to ....and the rest is difficult for him.
Abby is a little girl with a very loud personality. She loves singing. I at first regretted not having a radio in the kitchen , but Abby soon made up for it. Sometimes I try to sing along with her , which is difficult since her songs are a mixture of Spanish (thanks to Dora) and her own interpretation of words, she either gives me a scathing look for interrupting her or tentatively allows me to join the chorus.
Sarah has hit her "act and think contrary to what ever mom wants" stage. She drives me crazy sometimes. Today I had to give her her first hand slap :( . She questions everything ....even when she already knows the answer. She is still my little princess though :)
This morning Mark was amused that I had a short conversation with the dog before ordering him out of the kitchen ....I guess I don't talk to enough people during the day. I'll be looking forward to painting classes again :)
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