Sunday, 2 December 2012

Nathan , Sarah and Abby

I've decided to start writing a blog for you three or perhaps for me ... So much happens during the day that I don't want to forget. Writing on here is easier then hand writing for me at this time and I can add pictures :)
I also realize that having three children under three is not something most people do so I have a unique experience to share. 

Dec. 02, 2012

The past few days have been filled with coughing, snotty noses, some vomit, fevers and sleepless nights.  I don't know why but when you all get sick it just happens to be the time Abby is teething and so EVERYONE is miserable.  Yesterday we hired Elizabeth your babysitter to come with us to cut down our Christmas tree.  We went to Coppola's Tree farm for the first time.  They seemed to have the experience we wanted.  Nathan you loved the tractor ride - bouncing up and down in your seat.  Abby I was completely unprepared for you - I should have brought something warmer for you to wear. The weather was so nice and sunny - but there was a cool breeze while riding behind the tractor.  We looked for our tree and didn't take too long as you Nathan were running around falling flat on your face as you tripped over stumps.  Elizabeth was holding Sarah so Dad had to run across the field to get you when you decided to go a-wall.  It was a good day :)  I saw a fire pit with stumps around it to sit on that will be fun when you three get a little older.  It was very nice to get outside. 

Today we made it to church without any hassle - Nathan and Sarah - you were excited for "singing time" and enjoyed it mostly staying in the auditorium where the service was held. As soon as it was nursery time Nathan decided he was not feeling so well.  We ended up going home and you all got your nap that you miss every Sunday.  Earlier this morning I was trying to get you three to eat something as you have not eaten well for the past three days. I made some smoothies  - Sarah you really liked it and walked around holding your cup.  When you went upstairs with your dad you put your cup (still half filled with smoothie) on the floor.  I guess that seemed like a good enough place for you , but you forgot about your army crawling sister Abby.  Abby you literately rolled in that stuff you may have even got some in your mouth  :)  Needless to say I did not skip your bath tonight Abby   

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