It seems like I start every post saying "I haven't written for awhile" . We have been super busy this summer. June/July was spent cleaning the house for house showings (fun!...sooo not). Our house is now sold and we have bought a new one (all done within one hugely stressful week) and we will be moving on Aug. 23. We are getting possession of our new house this Friday. I'm really looking forward to showing the kids our new house after talking to them about it so much this past month. I'm not sure they have grasped the concept of moving yet but they seem to catch on to our excitement and business. I have mixed feelings of moving. This house is like an old friend and thinking of someone else living in here and changing things seems ...strange. I met Mark for the first time on this front porch. We opened all of our wedding presents in this living room. I stood/sat laboring with all 4 children in this living room and Hannah was born here. I remember sitting awake rocking a baby to sleep in the yellow room upstairs looking into the closet dreaming of the day when whoever I was rocking would be old enough to wear the clothing I could see hanging (things become much more simplified when you don't get enough sleep). We have had a lot of fun in the pool (something we will be missing). But, good memories will follow us to the new house as well. The new house is close to double the size of this one (square footage) and is closer to Marks work as well as the lake :).
Today while I was busily getting lunch cleaned up Sarah looked at me thoughtfully and said "Mom, I wish you had pink hair". I told her I would get some pink the next time I went to a hair dresser - she smiled and kept on drinking her juice. I love those little conversations, they are the reason I started this blog , I don't want to forget them :). Sarah is in the "Why" stage now. She needs at least two explanations for any number of things during the day - often for things she has repeatedly asked about (why are we stopping? It's a red light...Why is the light red??) . I don't recall Nathan ever going through that stage. He only asked very specific questions (what does that word say?, what is this for?) or he will ask silly ones like this evening when Mark told him to put the bread on the counter his reply was "What's a counter?" Abby is still a bundle of passionate energy who likes singing...loudly ... ha ha - I hope she still does that when she gets older. Hannah has added a wobble to her hopping and sometimes tips herself over in her haste to get somewhere.
Mark has said "Like a boss baby! Like a boss!" when he was celebrating something he did. Nathan started saying it as well ...but it sounded more like "Like a bus baby! like a bus!". When Nathan repeats something like that he often does it over and over and over ....luckily he hasn't picked up too many not so nice expressions far (going to school this fall).
In spite of selling , buying and moving this summer we have managed to have a bit of fun with the kids. We visit the local parks, we went to
Colasanti's , we visited the beach at
Pt. Pelee and even made a trip to
Greenview Aviaries :) I love having fun with our kids.
Abby at Pt. Pelee - She appears to be allergic to sunscreen ....and won't wear a hat |
Hannah having fun mangling her lunch |
Sarah at Greenview Aviaries |
Nathan having fun at a Canada Day picnic |