As I sit here listening to Sarah cry in the play room and Nathan jump to my favourite Wiggles DVD (Wiggles go Bananas) I remembered that I need to write this stuff down because I know I will forget later in life. This morning I was eating my cereal with Sarah sitting on most of my chair and Hannah on my lap. Sarah was demanding bites of my cereal every few minutes and Hannah was grabbing at the table cloth. Mark paused as he turned to go upstairs and smiled as he looked at me. I gave him a knowing look and said "This is how mom's eat their breakfast".
Last night at supper time I looked around the table and noted Abby scowling at her rice then laughing hysterically as she picked up little hand fulls and threw them on her table top. She had food all over her face (not from supper) and her hair was stuck to her wet nose. Nathan was carefully dipping his chicken in his plum sauce , mindful of the stickiness , but using his fingers instead of his fork. I was glad he was eating. It was quite the fight to get him to sit at the table. Sarah also had a food covered face (not from supper) and was making some sort of sandwich with her "pickles" (cucumbers) which she had refused to eat. Hannah was squirming/ squalling on my lap as I attempted to eat some supper. Mark was eating his supper and trying not to fall asleep. Usually when observing that typical scene I think how nice 8:00 will feel like when they are all in bed and I can relax without anyone sitting or trying to sit on me. This time I looked at them and I remembered how different our family will be in even 4-6 months. I wished I could take a snap shot on life and take it out later and experience it again ... just for a few minutes.
As I paused while writing this to read "Are you my Mother" to Abby I remembered her bringing books to me while I was trying to go to the bathroom this morning. I like it that they all love books , but sometimes I wish the door had a lock on it again. The living room looks as though a tornado had run through it leaving a trail to the play room. I will try to clean it up , even getting Sarah and Nathan to help at "clean up time" (always more work then cleaning it up myself) but I know the living room will be just as messy after I clean it when I sit down tonight after the kids are in bed.
It seems, especially recently, that I begin each morning wishing I had a few more hours of sleep and how much better life would seem if I felt rested. While that is likely true , I have to remember that this is life. This life God has blessed me with, brimming and overflowing with richness. My cup is full. Often it feels too full , but having it any other way would feel horribly wrong.
Abby reading Hannah a book |
Our girls :) |
Nathan and Abby trying to console Hannah |
Nathan posing for a picture ....which is rare. He is usually to busy to sit still for a picture. |