My last post was written over the course of a month. This post I was unable to even think of for the past ... few months? I don't even know how long it has been. Things have been different but not that much easier. I told Mark I think Hannah is trying to make me glad she is the last one. She is a very demanding baby - wanting to be held all the time...even while sleeping (mostly by me). I remember thinking "She is well on her way" as I held her for the first time. I experienced a feeling of satisfaction knowing that she was able to drink and look around. She is still "on her way" , I just can't say I'm enjoying it that much at this point in time. I know that in even a few months things will be different, but most of the time that does not help in dealing with present difficulties.
Nathan , Sarah and Abby have been dealing with all this fairly well. A lot of the time I find myself frustrated with them only to realize that they are just being children and doing child -like things. I often feel guilty for not doing more with them. Taking them anywhere is very demanding /mentally and physically. Adding anything extra in the day makes it bursting , but extra things are needed for all of us :).
Well this post is going to be a short one as Hannah is awake and fussing now. I need to put a diaper on Nathan and probably change the girls' diapers.
Daddy trying to watch football |